My First Swollen Diaper – Only available at MyDiaperGF

starring Diaper Girlfriend Lola Anderson
The beautiful Lola Anderson is our newest Diaper Girlfriend who is ready to try her first time ever wearing a diaper. Not only is it her first time in a diaper but she is in two extra-thick ones as she gets ready to explore just how huge and swollen they can get.
Lola has the most amazing tits as she uses the shower nozzle to get every part of her body completely wet while her two thick diapers begin to soak up every last drop. It doesn’t take long for her diapers to start ballooning up to a size she never knew was possible. The pressure of the diapers really swelling up against her pussy is too much to handle as she begins to moan from the intensity building up. The diapers swell to the extreme as she squishes and caresses every last inch while becoming completely addicted to a life in diapers.
This may be Lola’s first time wearing diapers but it certainly won’t be the last as she finds just how enjoyable life can be when you are a 24/7 Diaper Girlfriend…
Diapers Used : 1 x ConfiDry 24/7 , 1 x Northshore MegaMax
Watch "My First Swollen Diaper" Here --->
Watch “My First Swollen Diaper” Here —>
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