Soggy Diaper Bathtime – Only available at MyDiaperGF

starring Diaper Girlfriend Lola Anderson
Your beautiful Diaper Girlfriend Lola is very new to the diaper fetish and wants to experience all the pleasures that one can while in a thick, crinkly diaper. She has heard so many lovely things about wearing a diaper in the bath and couldn’t wait any longer to try it out herself.
The excitement of the diaper slowly swelling with water and getting bigger and bigger by the second is a pleasure she can’t seem to control. The diaper only keeps getting that much more swollen with every moment Lola is in the bath. As her LittlePawz diaper slowly swells up to the max it begins to lock on tightly to her beautiful booty. She loves the feeling of the padding becoming so tight and swollen around her pussy that she couldn’t even slide the diaper down if she wanted too. It’s become almost a form of chastity with how tightly it has formed around her pussy that it really starts to turn her on. Diaper Girlfriend Lola can’t help herself and begins to massage her huge, swollen diaper until she makes it that much wetter from cumming all inside. Lola loves wearing diapers in the bath so much that she will never be completely naked in one ever again…Diaper Bathtimes FOREVER!
Diapers Used : 1 x LittlePawz Diaper
Watch "Soggy Diaper Bathtime" Here --->
Watch “Soggy Diaper Bathtime” Here —>
p.s. have any ideas you would like to see for future Diaper Girlfriend Videos please send them to or contact page