Double Diaper Explosion – Only available at MyDiaperGF

starring Diaper Girlfriend Renee
Diaper Girlfriend Renee wants to test out just how much her two, thick diapers will hold before they completely explode. She is wearing the thickest diapers she owns and can’t wait to see just how plump and swollen they will become. Renee steps into the shower in a MegaMax and PeekABU Diaper and immediately puts the nozzle in them to start her little experiment. She shortly finds out the swelling and ballooning of the diaper is making her extremely horny as the pressure builds up against her soaking wet pussy. Renee can’t help but start to massage her diapered pussy as the water begins to explode from out the diaper. Her double diapers are so thick now that the act of closing her legs has become impossible. She never knew this would turn her on so much as she continues to massage her thick diapers until she cums all inside them. Diaper showers are now her new addiction and will never take a shower again without wearing one…
Diapers Used : 1 x MegaMax, 1 x PeekABU
Watch "Double Diaper Explosion" Here --->
p.s. have any ideas you would like to see for future Diaper Girlfriend Videos please send them to or contact page