Diaper Spandex Explosions – Only available at MyDiaperGF

starring Diaper Girlfriend Kiki Cali
a MyDiaperGF Custom Video :
Diaper girlfriend Kiki Cali has gotten dolled up for your date, wearing a sensible top, but a skirt that’s a bit too short. Her diaper butt peeks out without even bending over, but she knows this and has tried to help matters a little by slipping on a pair of spandex booty shorts to “hide” it.
Diaper girlfriend Kiki emerges and begins to tease her outfit for you, jokingly asking if it’s not public appropriate. She focuses on her butt, speaking about how the skirt can’t or can barely hide her diaper, but that she did her best to conceal it by wearing some shorts. She starts to wish though that her diaper could be even puffier.. even harder to hide. A 2nd diaper is an option.. but that’s too much work at this point. She gets an idea and takes you into the bathroom.
Not even telling you what she’s gonna do, she steps into the shower and grabs the nozzel, stuffing it into her diaper and telling you that you might want to get a bit closer and lower. She then turns on the water.. adjusting the temperature as need be, before turning it on full blast. She makes sure that you can see her diaper expanding and stretching her shorts out with them, using keys words such as “ballooning”, “expanding”, “swelling”, and whatever other words she wishes to utilize.
As it continues to swell, she says how there’s no way she’d go out like this now, but how she also can’t stop. She wants to see how big she can make it, how much it can hold, doing everything she can to make it balloon up.
Either until it bursts or until it’s about to, the water is shut off and she proceeds to tease you a bit more, saying how she’s gonna need to change now before you two can leave.
*End Movie*
Diapers Used: 1 x Megamax Diaper
Would you like your own custom video made?!? If so give us an email and let’s see what we can create – contact@mydiapergf.com
You can follow Kiki Cali on Twitter via : https://twitter.com/littlekikicali
Watch “Diaper Spandex Explosions” —> https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/89110/25556383
p.s. have any ideas you would like to see for future Diaper Girlfriend Videos please send them to contact@MyDiaperGF.com or contact page