Double Diaper Dancer – Only available at MyDiaperGF

starring Diaper Girlfriend Madison Evans
Diaper Girlfriend Maddie is going out dancing at the clubs tonight and is always so grossed out by public restrooms. She knows better than to try and use them so always makes sure she is well protected by a thick, crinkly diaper when she leaves the house. She plans to not come home for a while and instead of relying on one diaper to hold everything she thinks doubling up her diapers will be best.
Maddie grabs two thick ConfiDry 247 diapers to make her feel extra safe and secure while clubbing with all the girls tonight. She hopes all the boys won’t notice the thick diapers under her clear slutty skirt but that might be difficult to hide. Maddie grabs the baby powder to make sure that with every step on the dance floor, she is poofing out smells of powder. She loves smelling like baby powder at all times especially when everyone is sweating all over the place.
One diaper is definitely not enough for tonight so she grabs a 2nd diaper to keep her wet, soggy butt under control. No need to change tonight as two thick diapers will be just enough to keep her from leaking and making a mess all over the place. No leaks are allowed for this Diapergirl so she makes sure to double up on her diapers for peace of mind.
Once Maddie is all double diapered up she can’t help but notice how hot and sexy she looks with her diapers showing under her slutty plastic skirt. After feeling up her diapers she kind of starts to hope one lucky boy will notice her crinkly diaper and love every moment of it. It’s so thick and crinkly that there is no way to hide she is just a slutty little diapergirl. All the boys will certainly notice but only one lucky one will get the chance to take this diapergirl home..
Diapers Used : 2 x ConfiDry 247
4K MP4 – 4096×2160
Also available in 1080p iPhone/Mobile HD Format
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